Monday, April 26, 2010

Ceramics for a living? Good luck with that. Part 2

And onto contestant number 3.

Sarah actually makes money with her ceramic skills by teaching kids in high school how to make their very own bongs. I would say something very rude here and also very belittling but Sarah is pretty cool. But she does teach retards how to mold clay into a method of getting high enough to take ceramics in college.

Last but not least there's the one and the only Lucas.

Lucas once said the crossing flags (one checkered and one with a Chevy logo) across his chest was classic, you know, like everyone should have one. Lucas is, as my wife calls it, a sexy bulldog. Basically this means he's the male version of the female 'but-her-face'. Good body, nasty ass face. So Lucas had the body of a Greek god but the face of Dr. Ruth. There are stories about Lucas taking a female class member down to Vegas to get clay for their class. By the end of the story they had gone to get the clay, then he got drunk and high, got a tattoo, the girl got hit on by a midget at the tattooists and Lucas was trying to lure her to stay with him rather than spending the night at a friend's sister's house . I believe the enticement was him rubbing her back saying "It's all right baby, you don't need to go. Because I can always date rape you."

Okay he didn't say that last part. He just thought it.

Did I mention he loves to get high? Oh yeah, he's smoked so much damn weed he has literally no short term memory whatsoever. AT ALL. I met his stupid ass three times before he knew who the hell I was. But what is he doing now?

He ended up at the college where my wife attended as the assistant teacher of the ceramics class. He also has recently been fired from said position for selling grades for sex. Apparently he thought porno's are based in fact, rather than disease ridden fiction and has paid dearly for it by way of paycheck and a case of the drip.

way too go Lucas. You are my hero. (and I do mean the sandwich)

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